Monday, March 31, 2014

36 (and a half) Weeks!

Boy these past 8 months have flown by and now as I enter my ninth month as a gestating mommy I can't believe how time flies!

I am now in my 36th week and by Friday I will be 37 weeks along and considered "term" with my pregnancy. Finch is the size of a coconut, and the length of romaine lettuce and is getting very cramped inside my tummy. While I have some great indicators that my body is rearing and ready for this little boy to come out and join the Davies Family, I also found out today that it is not in a rush to let him go just yet, which is really very good. With the history of preterm labor in my family I was concerned as were my doctors, but so far, he is snug in my body and still prepping for his big debut.

Finch dropped this week as well. I probably dropped about threeish to four inches in my waist and can definitely feel Finch's head on my poor bladder. I am still dealing with my UTI, and was given a new antibiotic to get rid of the infection so having his head WAY down (as the doctor said) and constantly bumping my poor bladder has made me very uncomfortable. Also, sitting isn't very much fun because I feel like my tailbone is crunching all of the time and that my pelvis is not as solid as it once was. It's good to know my pelvis is doing its job in getting ready to be flexible, but like I said, I am definitely feeling ready for getting my little guy out and into my arms! Braxton hicks contractions are ever present, and I sleep so much now. I can't tell if that is partly from my UTI draining me of my energy along with just being tired from creating life, but I have had about three days this last week where I have taken two naps a day, so I know something apart from making a little human is up. Our doctor felt that it was probably a mix of the UTI and third trimester preparations so now I feel much better knowing I am not just some wimp who can't handle getting ready for a baby. I've been in a lot of pain this week and knowing that my UTI isn't completely gone but is still persisting has helped to clear up some of the mystery and worry I have had and now I can just hope that the new meds kick this infection's butt so I can get back to baby prep.

Also, we found out that we can move into our new apartment sooner than expected! We are thrilled! I was having anxiety attacks wondering if we would get into our apartment in time before Finch arrives and now this pretty much guarantees that we will, if my exam today stays true throughout the rest of the week as to how dilated and effaced I am. (Since I was practically zero on both). Moving in this weekend will give us a chance to get everything squared away before Ben's finals, and then after his finals the following week we have a week off from school and then it will be the week Finch is due. Blessings upon blessings for us, seriously. I couldn't have planned it better, and I am so grateful that the Lord's timetable is so much wiser than mine ever will be.

Hospital bags are packed, and we are just biding our time and enjoying our last few weeks as just a married couple before we are forever parents. We are officially out of our old apartment and just counting down the last few days before we are in our new place. I look back on the timeline of the past month with deciding to move and finding a place and selling our contract and I can't get over how well everything has worked out for us to be able to be in the best place for us at this time. Also, I found out that Ben's new school and work schedule for next semester will allow for him to be home with me Mondays and Fridays along with the weekend and I am so grateful that he will be able to have more time with Finch and I as we adjust to being new parents and as we bond with our little son.

So that is pretty much what is going on for us at this point. Next blog will probably detail the last stretch of our move and how we are handling baby prep and finals. We feel pretty blessed and very loved right now. Thank you for reading and may your week go well too!


Liz, Ben, Finch, and Zola.

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