Friday, April 11, 2014

The 37th Week!

Good morning folks! (or whichever time you are reading this ;) )

I am enjoying my 37th week so far. Ben and I were able to move in to our new apartment on Saturday (no worries, I didn't lift anything, I had people watching just to make sure too because Ben knows I can't help myself) and are loving our new place. It is beautiful, and spacious and feels like home to us already. It's hard to believe that this is going the be the place we bring Finch home to when he is born. In each of the apartments I have lived in since Ben and I got married, I have imagined bringing home my babies and what it would be like to have them there. It's strange to think that this is actually the place where this will happen but I am so thrilled. Ben and I are so excited to think that our little bird will be coming to us soon :)

My doctor appointment went on Monday. Last week I was still dealing with my UTI and found out that nothing special was going on with my cervix. This week, my UTI is gone and I am just finishing my antibiotics to make sure it doesn't come back. After my exam last week I started to have spotting and definitely started to keep an eye on things in case more contractions came.
 On Sunday I started to have some really strong and really painful contractions that were very close together and not letting up. It was scary and I wasn't feeling good about it because they came on so suddenly and I worried that Finch could be hurt because there wasn't enough time inbetween for him to rest (when contractions get too close together and too powerful it can put a baby in distress because it lowers their oxygen levels). I asked Ben for a blessing immediately because it didn't feel right and within a few minutes of getting the priesthood blessing, the contractions subsided and I began to feel Finch kicking again. I was exhausted but grateful that Finch seemed to be better. We told our doctor about Sunday at our appointment and I mentioned that I have a high pain threshold and that I don't usually feel pain until it is pretty severe or far along. He did a cervical check saying, "Let's just make sure you're not walking around dilated to 7 cm." and it revealed that in a week I went from nothing special to being dilated to 1 cm, and effaced between 80-90%, and that my mucus plug was completely gone! Wahoo!!! We set an appointment for next week, but I kind of had the feeling he wasn't really expecting to see me for another OB visit if I keep up the pace I did last week. We'll see what happens, I would love for Finch to come soon, but I can't guarantee that he will until it is his time and whenever that is is unknown to me (obviously lol). I try not to get too invested because I don't want to be disappointed if he takes longer. (Although, I am pretty thrilled my body is working so well for Finch to come.)

37 weeks :)

Ben is in the midst of his finals right now and has one left. I know that he is so excited to be done for a week and a half. It will be wonderful to have him around for a week and a half without having to see him leave early in the morning and not come back until the evening. I know that that is life and I deal with it very well, but I love having him around me and especially now that I am so close to delivery it is very comforting to have him close by if anything exciting happens.

*Update: Most of this blog entry was written earlier this week. Still having contractions and still no baby, but they are getting stronger and a few days ago they were becoming more regular. We are hoping that if he doesn't come this weekend that Monday's appointment will let us know if I am making progress. I think I am and I feel like he is almost here, but I am DYING waiting for him to come to me. Yesterday I watched "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and I started sobbing at the scene when they were all having their babies and getting them handed to them. I was so jealous and so excited, and hormones just took over for me for a few minutes.

Ben finished his finals and did really well with them and we are just enjoying the time we have before Finch arrives. It's so weird to think that he will be here so soon and now I am just trying to learn patience. (My least favorite virtue of all lol)

We will keep you informed for what Week 38 will present and hopefully this countdown will finish soon!


Liz, Ben, Finch, and Zola

Oh! For those of you who are friends with my husband, he started a blog for his communications class final and it is called, "What to Expect When She's Expecting" It is really fun to read and cute and he addresses some of the common issues that baffle men as they are dealing with pregnancy with their significant others. It is worth a read so check it out! :D

1 comment:

  1. Whoa. That little guy is almost here! Perfect that you got moved and Ben finished his finals. I love his blog and yours. Sending loving thoughts.
