Sunday, March 2, 2014

Week 31 and 9 Weeks To Go!

It's coming to the end of week 9 in the 10 week countdown and Week 31/40 has been a good week for us.

First off, Finch is now (or was a few days ago) the size of a pineapple, measuring about 16-17 inches long. Soon he won't be getting longer but fatter, and boy, I can tell you I have been feeling my hunger grow a lot. From all of my readings so far, it looks like he is about 3ish pounds and will double in weight in the next few weeks. We already know from our last ultrasound two months ago that he had a bigger head (thanks to my husband's side of the family) and I wonder how big he will be at birth because I already feel like I have zero give left in my poor body. (Yes, I know he will get bigger and so will I, it doesn't change my feelings).

We went to the doctor this week, (We seriously, love him, he is a great doctor and listens so well to all of our concerns) and Finch is measuring on time and has a healthy heart rate of 153 beats per minute. I have been dealing with a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions lately, and was told to be careful and restrict my activity because they keep getting more painful or closer together when I am too active, or when I am just on my feet and doing anything during the day (that's how it feels, I miss knowing what a full day of church feels like, or what a day of errands is like without going home early, or paying for it later with being majorly uncomfortable :( ) . I am sick of staying in bed, but I am happy to do what it takes to keep my little bun in the oven as long as I can. The doc wasn't too concerned, but he said it would be best to be on the safe side, especially since preterm birth does run in the family. So I rest, and I look forward to being able to be active again without pangs, stings, cramps, and other annoying symptoms of pregnancy getting in the way.

Finch is as active as ever. He moves around all of the time and responds to his name, to Zola's purring, and to our voices. My new favorite thing is when I start to talk first thing in the morning and suddenly feeling a little flutter and kick since he is responding to my voice. I love it, and it makes me so happy because it happens almost every day now and is a great start to my day.

Cravings change everyday now, and I get the most random ones. For those of you who know my eating habits, I am practically a vegetarian and am not a huge fan of meat (I just don't like the texture or taste) but my son is definitely not a vegetarian. I will be sitting in bed and suddenly start dying for a burger or for a huge hotdog with all of the fixings. I was even reading a book the other day and I started craving the food the character was eating and was about to bargain with anyone near me to bring me something yummy to eat. Oranges are my definite treat and I have one almost every single day. Fry sauce with tater tots is another craving that I guarantee I always have.

This last week, Ben got me an early birthday present: A beautiful grey/green rocker/recliner from the DI. It is beautiful and fits perfectly with the colors we have for Finch's nursery and is exactly what I have been looking for. He even got me a cute leopard print blazer for my bday. He spoils me and is so good to me.

Also, this week I got my first real tactless comment from a stranger about being pregnant. We were checking out at the DI after getting the chair and the guy at the register asked me if I was carrying a soccer ball or a basketball. I kind of just stared at him for a moment in disbelief that he would say something like that (let's face it, you don't say anything about a girl being prego until she says she is first. You just don't, and then you never say anything about their size. We prego ladies just don't have time for those kind of people, we feel big enough as it is, we don't need someone pointing out the obvious or exaggerating something that is and has been our reality for 40 weeks. Don't be that person) and then told him it was a soccer ball. The girl at the other register looked mortified at him, and I swear she was waiting for me to either explode or start crying. I did neither, but I have been a lot more self conscious than I was before about my baby bump. Thanks a lot dude, you threw off my groove.

My 31 almost 32 week shot. This is the new jacket (cute, right??) and here is the soccer/basketball sized bump. I think for 8 months I am doing pretty well, but I'm not the guy at the DI so I could be wrong ;)

Other than that, we are just getting ready for our next ultrasound (we get to see Finch on my birthday next week, BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER!!!!), and Ben is slowly preparing himself for when I leave him to go to my baby shower in Reno. He keeps trying to convince me to stay so he won't have to miss me. We don't do well being away from each other. "There ain't no sunshine when she's gone". I keep telling him it will only be for about a week, but let's face it, school and work and a big bed without your cute little wife to snuggle with is not as fun as having her around. :).

We are definitely looking forward to what week 8 on the countdown has in store, and I am still in awe that we are so close to the finish line. I keep thinking about how fast it has been, and how much we still have to do before Mr. Finch comes along and sometimes it is overwhelming, but most of the time I am just so excited. I have been waiting my entire life to be a mama and now I am, and I cannot wait to hold my son in my arms and love him the way I have always dreamed of being able to. It's amazing how much my heart has already expanded for this little pineapple sized baby in my tummy, and I can't wait to see my heart go all "mr. grinch" on me and change to be 3-6 sizes bigger than it is now.

We'll keep you all posted! Prayers are always appreciated for us because so much is going on with school, work, and my limited activity situation. Thank you in advance and know that we feel lots of love coming our way everyday.

Until next week :)


Liz, Ben, Finch, and Zola

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