We decided that we are in need of moving to a less expensive apartment as Ben's job has limited hours and I am unable to work outside of the home and it has been an inspiring and challenging search. We found a place that we love, it is bigger, and less expensive, and we feel a lot of peace about it. Now, we are just trying to sell the contract to our current apartment! (GAHHHH!!!!) As if preparing for a baby coming wasn't enough, but it is good. When you know that you are doing what the Lord has inspired you to do, you know that you may not know how, but somehow things will work out. We know things will work out, but boy, I get a little stressed when I worry (okay not just a little stressed, a lot). We love the new apartment though, and we get to move in in April. We are thrilled and excited for the new adventure ahead of us :)
Pregnancy update: While I am still resting, I am starting to feel a little better and the braxton hicks are back to being super random and annoying rather than concerning. I am going to be traveling to Reno in a few days so I know I will have to keep being careful, but so far things are doing better :) Also, we got to go to the doctor yesterday and got to do an ultrasound for my birthday! We got to see our little Finchbird and he is doing so so well! 4.5 lbs, a big head, head down in position, with no abnormalities. He looks exactly like his daddy with my nose, and has huge lips, and he sleeps like I do, with his hand by his face. He has done that throughout the pregnancy, and seems to be somewhat like his mama, even if he doesn't look like me at all :) He is so wiggly now, and the doctor has changed his due date up a few days to 4/25/14 making me 33 weeks now instead of 32. Yay, me :)
32 almost 33 weeks :)
Pregnancy symptoms that I am dealing with now are: Heartburn. So much heartburn that I feel like I can breathe fire. I keep hoping this means that that old wive's tale is true that it means that Finch will have some hair on his head. Also, shortness of breath (no worries, not the dying kind, the "I ate an almost normal meal and I have no room for my lungs to expand" kind) after eating that makes it hard for me to move.
Sleeping away, with those big lips and beautiful face :)
This one is my favorite ^^
The last one was a little blurry, but if you look closely you can see his arm and hands covering his right eye in the picture. There is his nose, and those lovely lips that run in the Davies side of the gene pool :)
Yesterday was my birthday, and it was wonderful. I felt so much love from my friends and family, and the well wishes and encouragement were very much appreciated. I started off the day with a red waffle (red is my favorite color) for breakfast, and then a fun outing with a friend, and spending the day with my hubby. Then we got to see our sweet little boy, and sign on the lease of our new home, and then we went to dinner with friends and loved ones. I got to end my night with a bath, and getting to fall asleep next to my best friend and sweetheart. 23 years old has started off very well :).
Today, we are embarking on a trip to Provo, and then I will fly out to Reno for my baby shower. I am so very excited to see friends and family in Reno, and to be able to celebrate the coming of my little boy. We feel very blessed, and honestly, we couldn't ask for more in our lives. There are challenges before us, but there are always challenges, and we have blessings and tender mercies on every side of us each day.
I am very excited to report how week 33 goes since it starts today, and I am excited to show off pictures of the great gifts and fun I will be having with family in Provo and in Reno. Keep my sweet hubby in your prayers since he can't travel with me and will be on his own as a bachelor once again for a week. He needs them, and I appreciate the comfort of knowing that he is taken care of when I can't be there to take care of him.
Until next week!
God Bless :)
Liz, Ben, Finch, and Zola
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