Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Loving Influence of a Heavenly Father

Today has been a really sweet Sunday. Ben and I are still trying to get over our flu crisis and are pretty much done, now we just deal with the fatigue. We were literally dragging today as we got ready for church (thank goodness we have 1pm church, that is truly a mercy for us these days), and yet we still managed to get to church on time for the sacrament. Well I did, Ben was parking the car and missed it by about 45 seconds. It was still a great Sunday.
We spend a lot of our Sacrament Meetings in the foyer since it is just too hard for me to sit still without having to use the bathroom, walk around, or move around for an hour, plus the couches are a lot more pregnant girl friendly than pews or fold out chairs. Today we met a really nice new young couple in the ward, and we also saw so many children, little kids, and their tired parents walking around, trying to be quiet, and trying to stay happy. I know it can be stressful for some people to be around that environment, but I can’t help but feel like I felt more of the Spirit in watching these little spirits in church than really listening to the talks given, (although there were some really great messages shared by the speakers from what I could hear). I loved watching the little children. They truly demonstrate the pure love of Christ, and even though they aren’t paying attention the way I am sure their parents would prefer, I can’t help but wonder what they are thinking about, and what their spirits are really feeling.
Little children always seem to be so much closer to the spirit than we give them credit for, and as I watched the parents who were pacing around the building once again, and trying to get their children to whisper, or not eat the cheerio they found on the ground, etc. I can’t help but feel that the Lord is smiling down on each of them, and that the Savior would probably be close by, helping the children to feel the love He has for them and encouraging those tired and stressed parents in what a service they were really doing. Each of those parents I watched have probably not had a full church lesson in the past five to ten years, and yet, I know they are serving their little ones the way our parents have served each of us, but also, as our Heavenly Father probably did for us as our spirits matured and grew in the premortal existence. There are probably times that He patiently leads us or loves us when we are just not quite mature enough to understand a certain spiritual principle or why something is going on in our lives.
So many of those children were squirmy, crying, babbling away, saying obvious embarrassing truths of the people around them, etc. and I know that we each do the same thing in our own way in the greater picture, and it is our loving Father in Heaven who helps us to refocus on the principles of the gospel, or else lovingly leads, whispers, encourages, or redirects us to the things that will help us to grow and learn.
That is one of the greatest things I have learned today. Our Heavenly Father is so aware of us and loves each of us so deeply and knows how to help us to grow in our own ways. I know that what may help me may not always work for Ben, and what reaches the brother or sister two aisles over may not be the same thing for the older couple two seats away. But He knows how to reach us, and the best ways for us to grow closer to Him, and He never rushes us. Some days we are the child that is crying and screaming and is carried out of the chapel, and other days we are the child who is reverently pointing at scripture stories. I just know that I saw that the service the parents I saw today rendered to their children is more significant than we ever realize, and I commend each of them for what they do because they do what our Father does each day for us. Being parents, is the best way for us to truly understand and become more like our Heavenly Father. Isn’t that such a neat gift?
I learned so much from watching that today, and I will probably carry that lesson with me a little more so than I even realize now. As we approach Finch’s due date and as we get closer and closer to his being an ever present member of our family and our daily lives, I can’t help but be honored that the Lord has given Ben and I this opportunity to be the parents He knows we can be. That we now get the chance to learn how to be more Christlike and to be more like our Heavenly Father. It is exciting and very humbling. I have many many days where I feel so inadequate in being a mother soon and I worry that my child will often pay for my inadequacies and my imperfections, but I also will try to remember that I am doing all I can, and that I will sometimes be that parent who has no idea what to do apart from pace the church halls during Sunday School, trying to sooth my little boy, missing a lesson, but gaining experience and time that I will always cherish later on. It truly is a gift and one that I hope I will always cherish and try to remember, especially in those late night and early morning hours when all I long for is sleep. I know I will need to be reminded when I feel like I have nothing left to give, and that the Lord will lovingly whisper the encouragement I need to keep going and when I am the child who is crying because I am so tired I can’t sleep or relax, and then I will be able to go back into the hubbub of motherhood and wifehood and keep going J
Happy Sabbath to everyone. I hope that you too have found something you were missing or needed like I did today J.

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