Saturday, November 23, 2013

'Tis the Season to Be Grateful

Okay folks,

Since I will be moving this next week and really won't have much time to post what I'm grateful for on Facebook on Thursday (or all month, I guess, I am not a huge fan of following the fb trends, I just don't do as much on fb as I used to apart from like pictures, posts, or funny memes these days) I wanted to post here what I am grateful for and who I am grateful for in my life. Thanksgiving has always been a very fun holiday in my family  because I have my mother, Mary, and she cooks like the angels of cooking have gifted each of her fingers with magic (am I right? All of my friends who have stayed over at my house can attest to this because they never wanted to leave, her food was that good) so I have always been spoiled with her very best of pies, apples and yams, stuffing (my favorite), fruit salad, vegetable and fruit dipping trays, yummy ham and turkey, and of course, her rolls that are to die for. My dad, always had the turkey and did a wonderful job with it, with getting family together, and starting off our family dinner. Together, they were and are a great team in the kitchen and in the home. Each year after we had stuffed our faces with yummy food, we would go around the table and talk about that which we were grateful for. I loved it, and I will miss being able to do that with them this year. I have yet to experience what it is like in Ben's family for Thanksgiving, and what traditions they have, but I can already tell you, my mother-in-law and sister-in-law make incredible food too, and already I have seen and appreciated so much the love, gratitude, and caring they demonstrate to each other, so I am sure this will be a great experience before we rush off to Idaho a few days later.

This year has especially been an incredible year for Ben and I. We have moved twice, and will be making our third move (I guess we should just get a fancy wagon and start a new life as gypsies because I am beginning to feel like we are wandering souls...Ben will shake his head when he reads this, I am slightly fascinated with gypsies and have managed to sneak them into a Thanksgiving blog hehe). I have graduated from college, and am now preparing to become a full-time mother. Ben is going back to school, and we are embarking on the journey of finding what makes him happiest as he finds the path that gives him a career he can love. There have been many ups and downs and many tender mercies from our Heavenly Father. I can already say that my testimony has increased exponentially, and through experiences that are sacred to my heart, I have come to learn that I am never alone, and that I have a Father in Heaven who loves me and my husband so much and has provided blessing upon blessing in our behalf. I am learning each and everyday that I am nothing without my Savior, Jesus Christ, and that I am so grateful for His teachings, example, and love in my life because I have always felt His love and light when I felt too dark to move forward. I am so thankful for the journey I have embarked on this year in growing closer to the Lord and for the joy I have found through it.

I am grateful for eternal families. Ben and I have been married for over a year and were able to go to the temple for our anniversary. That was so sweet for us to be able to relive our wedding day, but also to be able to help others find eternal joy. I am so grateful for temples so close by and for the blessings of being able to go so often. After almost passing out last time I went, I have had to wait for a little more energy to go, but I miss it everyday and am so grateful to know that if Ben and I live our lives worthily, we can be together forever. As we approach the time when our son is born, I can't help but feel eternally grateful for him to be sealed to us and for us to be sealed together. I love the joy of family in my life and the support we feel each day from our family, and I marvel at the love of a Heavenly Father that brings a plan of happiness to His children that enables us to be able to be with our families forever!

I am grateful for Ben. Each day he goes above and beyond to take care of me. When I hurt too much to sit up on my own he has me wrap my arms around his neck and he helps me sit up. If I need comfort, he snuggles me, holds me close, and talks through any concerns I have. He sings to me our songs when I need encouragement, and he is always trying to make me laugh. (He succeeds about 98% of the time, it's those cheesy puns, I can't help myself). When I fall asleep without being able to finish my nightly routine, he always makes sure my phone is plugged in, and that I am tucked in safely and soundly. Every morning before work, he makes sure to wake me enough to kiss me and Robbie goodbye before leaving. He has watched I don't know how many 80's and 90's pregnancy flicks over and over because I love them so much (Three Men and a Baby, Junior, Nine Months, Father of the Bride 2, Look Who's Talking, he knows them all word for word now).  He truly is my best friend and my better half and everyday I find that I am more and more helplessly in love and irreparably unable to live without him. God truly knew I needed Ben in my life and I am filled with such happiness that he and I are together forever. He works so hard to care of me and Robbie, and works so hard to be the best husband and man he can be and everyday I strive to be a better wife, mother, and woman because of his influence and example. He has been the best decision I ever made, and I am so happy for all of the memories we share.

I am grateful for family and friends who love Ben and I for us being ourselves. On both sides of my family I have found such love and support I could never imagine anywhere else. I think I can boast to anyone at this point that even though my family isn't perfect, they are the best family in the world and the best family to and for me. I laugh all the time with them, I grow with them, and I feel such love from and for each of them. As I approach this upcoming week, I have family on both sides who are giving up their Thanksgiving to help us move. It's not the most desired thing to do on one of the biggest holidays of the year, but they are doing it for us and have only asked what more they can do to help. We are so blessed and so loved, and I am eternally grateful for each of my family members and what they do each day for us. I am grateful too for friends! For those of you I haven't seen in a very short time to a very long time, I love you all, and I miss each of you when I am away. There are so many memories to be grateful for, so many laughs, bonding moments, and times when support has been given and received, and I am grateful for such relationships. You all know who you are. Thank you, for being my friend. I know I have some quirks, but I have loved every moment being your friend.

I am grateful for my cat. Yes, the dreaded cat lady part of me is coming out and I don't care. I dedicate this next paragraph and probably a few future posts to my little Zola. Zola, you are a cat, and can't read this, but I'll probably force you to listen to this after this is posted so you know what I feel. We got Zola a few months after a losing a loved one. Ben and I were heartbroken and very sad, and I began to be very depressed. After a couple of months, my friend, Sheila, convinced me to go look at shelter animals in Rexburg (that was depressing) and after being depressed about stray dogs and cats without homes, we went to a cat shelter near our old apartment and I saw a little black cat in the driveway who molested me with his love. He was awesome and I felt very drawn to that shelter after. I couldn't help but wonder why I felt so drawn. Finally, I talked to Ben and our landlord about the possibility of getting a cat and they both said it would be fine. So we went, and I wanted a black cat after seeing the one on the driveway (plus, black cats are the least adopted cats because of superstitious myths). That specific cat didn't want my love, so I began to search and found Zola. After smelling my hand, she immediately jumped into my lap and wouldn't let me go. I was hooked and we adopted her on the spot. She has been such a blessing after so much hurt in my heart and has been an inspired member of our family. I think the Lord knew I needed something little and loving in my life and she filled that void. She is so sweet, and lets me hold her like a human baby and talk to her in my irritatingly high pitched kitty cat voice. She always talks up a storm and sits on a perch when I do my makeup so she can see what I'm doing. Since getting pregnant, she won't let me out of her sight and has even fallen asleep with her paws on my baby bump. She is very affectionate and protects Ben, myself, and even Robbie. I am very grateful for her and what she does each day for both Ben and I.

Last, but certainly not least (I hope anyone reading this isn't offended by the order of these gratitudes, I am grateful for everything, I just can't force my friends to read such a long post because it would literally be a novelette) I am grateful for my little Robbie. Robbie, I know you have my nose, and I know that you always send out love to me when I have a hard time because I feel so much love from you already, and I know you like to do somersaults in my tummy and make me hiccup like your dad. I don't know what your eye color will be or what your hair color is yet, but I love you so very much, and I thank God each day for you in my life and already can't imagine life without you. I am so grateful for my son, and for the joy he has brought into my life. Knowing that I will get to be his mother brings me such purpose and joy. I know motherhood won't be easy, but it is already worth it being able to be his mother. I can't look at fruits and vegetables anymore without thinking of how big he is this week and how big he will be next week and two months from now. I am so grateful for him and for what he brings to my life already. I feel like lifelong dreams are coming true.

Ben and I are so grateful for all we have and for the life we share. The Lord has never held back blessings from us and we are constantly showered with love, tender mercies, and hope. I am so grateful for Him in my life and for the knowledge that I am never alone and that I am His daughter and can return to His presence someday.

On a day like Thanksgiving, I think of these things, and want to engrave in the fleshy tables of my heart the blessings I receive everyday so that everyday I can remember to be grateful for what matters most of all. I have so much. I may be poor in money and possessions, but I have so much to be grateful for in my life. I love my husband, my son, my family, my friends, my cat, and I love my Father in Heaven and my Savior, Jesus Christ with all of my heart. I am grateful for every person in my life who makes me want to be better and who inspires me to keep going. I have so much, and my heart is full. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone reading this, may you enjoy all it brings and know that I am grateful for you!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Drumroll please!

Today has been a pretty special day for Ben and I. We were lucky enough to be told by our sister, that there is an elective ultrasound company in our area that did gender reveals, and they were having a special of $60 2D and 3D ultrasounds with gender reveal. Because of our move, we wouldn't have been able to know if we were having a boy or girl until after we had settled in in Idaho again and had gotten insurance concerns out of the way. That would have taken a while, and I was NOT going to wait if I could help it!

After 4 months of calling our little one "Baby", "Baby Rose" (in case it was a girl), "Lovebug", and "Angel" I was very ready to have a name for our baby, and to make it personal. Plus, I have been dying to go shopping and look at more than just gender neutral yellow and green jungle animals at the store. Let's face it, while those are cute, I wanted more. I feel like singing, "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid everytime I go to the baby section, changing the lyrics to fit my needs for gender specific outfits that make me squirm with excitement!

So after our appointment today with our lovely technician (who was so nice and so friendly, anyone who is expecting a baby in the California area, I totally recommend Cindy, we loved her!!) we know what we are having and we are totally totally excited...drumroll please!

Without further ado, let me introduce our bubbly, bouncing, baby boy, Robbie Weston!

Isn't he a handsome little guy? He already looks like he may have my button nose, and was clearly moving around tons like his daddy. It took about two minutes for Cindy to point out that we were having a boy, he wasn't very shy about it (probably because he knew I couldn't handle the suspense any longer!). We are so thrilled and so overcome with joy. Even though we felt we may have a girl for a while, I kept feeling this itching little feeling that I had a little guy who would come first. Sorry, Robbie, for calling you "Baby Rose" for four months, now we can call you by a more masculine name and get ready for you to come with lots of fun boy stuff to play with!

Also, in a progressive note,today marks my fourth month of pregnancy (16 weeks!!) and I am starting to show a little bump now and am loving maternity leggings/jeggings. I felt utter and complete joy when I slipped them on and they didn't push on my tummy and felt like stylish pajamas. I can understand why some women secretly wear maternity clothes instead of real clothes, they are definitely so much more comfy. My nausea is so much better, I still have days like yesterday where even water made my tummy unhappy, but my energy is so much better, and my discomfort is so minimized by the joy of knowing we have a little man on the way!

For baby themes, we are going with monsters and mustaches. I love mustaches and have for years, and have been quietly snatching mustache baby outfits since getting married so I could have them for when a little boy came along. Good thing I did, I have some very cute ones now to dress my mini man in!

Thank you all for your encouragement and support, we are so thrilled to be starting our family and wanted to share the joyful news to you all. Our hearts are full of joy and gratitude for such a blessing.

Until next time!


Liz, Ben, and Baby Robbie :)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

New Beginnings...

Hello All!

After a year of debating whether or not I wanted to start a blog, I finally decided it was time to do it (forgive me for the bumps on the way, I'm sure there will be many!).
It's been a crazy busy but wonderfully happy few months for Ben and I since we moved to Northern California for a little while. It's been Ben's off track with classes at BYU-Idaho and we've been staying with family and deciding whether or not California was the place for us or not while we have had some soul searching about careers.
Turns out, we love the weather and being closer to family on both sides, but the Lord has had other plans for us, and our new beginnings are once again, just beginning, hence the title of this post.
It's been a dream of ours since we got married to start a family. I have always loved children, and Ben and I have longed to have the pitter patter of little feet in our home. While we love our cat (I can guarantee she will be a frequent flier in these posts since she is my sweet companion all the time), we have long felt the desire for less hairy and far more time consuming additions to our home.
It hasn't been an easy road for us to start a family. I have long dealt with health problems that have concerned me about whether babies would be in our future or not, and there have been many teary nights, and fervent prayers in the behalf of starting our family (but I'm sure I may post more in depth on such issues at another time).
When we decided to move, I had just quit a stressful and difficult job, and had just finished my internship for my Medical Assisting program and we had been trying for almost a year for a family. I was tired, I was worn out, and I was at the point that I couldn't handle the frustration of another month of hoping for a baby and not getting what I wanted (for those who know me, patience is not my favorite virtue). I decided I just needed to disconnect myself for a little while from the baby world and find some inner peace.
Then we moved, and we started to settle in to our lives in California with Ben working, and I trying to find some sanity again after some very high strung months of study, work, and school. For the first few days, I felt so tired I could sit down anywhere (and I mean anywhere) and fall asleep within seconds. I thought this was pretty normal for me and didn't think too much of it considering what I had just left behind with the move. Then it got to the point where showering and getting out of bed felt like a marathon. Not normal. Especially after my medical training I was seeing red flags and wanting to know what could be going on. Was I that stressed? Did I have Mono? Was my thyroid having issues like my mom's had when I was younger? I just didn't know. Then I started having problems with being able to eat. My stomach would hurt after every meal, and I could hardly move some nights because it was so painful. My appetite began to cut back, and I again, began to worry.
I have a mild gluten allergy that I am sad to say, I don't take very good care of, and yes, I know, that can be a problem. I began to cut out ANYTHING that had gluten and still I was feeling so ill I could hardly function. What I thought had only been a week turned out to have been a month to two months of agony, and Ben and I began to really worry.
Then, I started to crave lots of meat, all the time, and almost gag at the thought of any vegetable. For those again, who know me really well, this is when pigs start to fly and when Hell begins to freeze over because I am the last girl in the world who goes to a restaurant and asks for chicken or a steak with potatoes over a salad, I've just never been a huge carnivore and have always straddled the line of vegetarian. Darn that sushi and bacon. With those gone, I would probably have been a vegetarian years ago.
That's when Ben suggested I take a pregnancy test. I didn't want to because I didn't want to deal with another negative sign. I hate urine tests, and I hate pee sticks. I just didn't think it was possible, and with my health issues, being a month or two late wasn't a big deal. But, to appease my worried hubby, I took the test, misread it, and then took the second one before I really realized both were positive.

*Heavens opening, choirs of angels singing, flash mob dancing in Disney character attire*

This was fantastic. And still is. I'm 15 and a half weeks along now, am in my second trimester and can hardly believe the love and the joy I feel being able to finally be the mama I have dreamed of being since I held my first babydoll. I have thrown up I don't know how many times, and I have lost a lot of weight from not being able to eat very much without throwing it up (doctors tell me I'm still fine and baby is great). I still have days where showering feels like someone is trying to make me run a 5k while drugged I am that tired, and I pee so often I should just put a TV in the bathroom (just kidding, but mommies reading this know what I'm talking about!).
My baby is the size of an apple, and soon I will feel kicks. It has been so surreal, and so incredibly wonderful.
Seeing our baby in the ultrasound jumping around and dancing for us at 12 weeks was breath taking and Ben and I fall more and more in love with our lovebug each and everyday.
Now, for the other plans apart from parenthood the Lord has brought to our attention: We are moving back to Rexburg, ID. In two weeks. On Thanksgiving. Instead of sitting around a table eating turkey and pie and talking about what we are grateful for, we will be driving across the barren wasteland of rural Nevada, being grateful for loving parents and siblings who are willing to help us move. We have been so blessed to have so much love and support from them, and we are so grateful for their willingness to help us out in such a meaningful way.
Our hearts are so full of gratitude to Our Father in Heaven at this time. It has been a struggle with work, finding jobs, saving money, health issues, having a baby, and all that comes with life, these past few months, but the Lord has truly carried us through each situation. Each night, I marvel at the will of the Lord and how perfectly His plan fits into our lives more than anything we could ever come up with for ourselves. I am surrounded by love, by goodness, and by miracles, and it is at this time of year that I can look back on an entire year filled with them.
I just have to bear testimony of the blessings that come when you trust in the Lord and allow Him to guide you in life. Sure, it would have been nice to have a life plan laid out for me to see, but the Lord knows that I need to learn patience to truly be happy, and I definitely am learning patience, faith, and trust in His plans for me, my wonderful husband, and a beautiful apple sized baby. All is well in a world filled with chaos when you have the Lord on your side, and all is well for us.

 This is our 12 week ultrasound of our baby! Already a total beauty, and so excited to show off for us during the ultrasound!
Our baby announcement. I am actually due on May 6, 14', but we love these pictures that my dad took for us.